Aviso de risco

Antes de investir, os investidores devem avaliar cuidadosamente o objetivo de investimento, os riscos, os custos e as despesas de um fundo. Essas informações e outras informações importantes encontram-se no prospeto e no documento de informações fundamentais destinadas aos investidores (KIID).

Corporate bonds are back, and the time is ripe for a Fixed Income Explained Podcast credit special.

What are the factors driving credit markets? Where can investors find best value? What’s the outlook for the remainder of 2024? And are there any risks on the horizon?

Fixed Income Explained host Peter Marsland returns to tackle all these questions and more, with the help of an array of abrdn corporate bond experts.

Listen in as Peter chats with credit colleagues Siddharth Dahiya, Ben Pakenham, and Louise Smith, in a conversation spanning investment grade corporates, European high yield and emerging market debt.

Is it time to invest in credit? Find out now. 
