Risk warning
The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and an investor may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future results.
Helping insurers optimise their investment portfolio to achieve their asset yield, capital efficiency, responsible investment objectives and supporting their reporting requirements
At Aberdeen Investments, we’ve been helping insurers manage these challenges for almost 200 years. We provide access to a range of strategies and asset classes that target to help enhance the risk-adjusted return on a portfolio. Plus we provide a complete service to meet reporting and fiduciary requirements, including complete investment outsourcing where required.
Our vision is to invest for a better future; environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations have been an integral part of our decision-making process for almost 30 years. We recognise insurers will have their own responsible investment philosophy; be it geared towards integration of ESG considerations or towards strategies that incorporate stronger sustainability or ethical principles, we have strategies & expertise available to help you implement and monitor your approach.
Our vision is to invest for a better future; environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations have been an integral part of our decision-making process for almost 30 years. We recognise insurers will have their own responsible investment philosophy; be it geared towards integration of ESG considerations or towards strategies that incorporate stronger sustainability or ethical principles, we have strategies & expertise available to help you implement and monitor your approach.