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Income solutions: seeking stable returns throughout the economic cycle

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Income Investing

Let’s talk about income

Data has shown that companies that pay dividends and grow their dividends tend to outperform the broader market over the longer term1.

Income stocks look cheap compared to the overall market. With elevated economic uncertainty the market should focus back on dividends as the main contributor to total returns.

We think central banks will cut rates later this year. In this environment, income-paying investments should benefit from lower borrowing costs and increased liquidity, potentially outperforming growth-oriented investments.

1 Source: abrdn, Factset. Data from 31/12/2002 to 31/12/2022.

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Unlock the potential of equities, aiming for a premium yield and long-term capital growth. Invest with confidence in well-diversified portfolios featuring high-quality companies, uncovered by our comprehensive research, on-the-ground expertise and in-depth ESG analysis.

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Fixed income

Experience the power of our fixed-income solutions. We seek to capture income opportunities across varying market cycles with a tailored, fundamental analysis approach, including ESG considerations. Our strategies are backed by the knowledge and expertise of 140 global investing professionals, ensuring portfolios remain adaptive to the evolving macro environment.

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Elevated income potential with our multi-asset approach. We combine traditional and alternative assets to seek positive total returns in any market environment. Discover our portfolios – and leverage the expertise of 80 global investing experts.


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Introducing our Emerging Markets Income Equity Fund

We follow the cashflow to find healthy and profitable businesses. Our aim is to deliver a premium and growing income stream over various types of market environments.

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The power of income investing

Discover the power of income-generating assets, which strengthen client portfolios throughout various economic cycles.

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The Emerging Market Equities Podcast

Matt Williams is back with Nick Robinson to talk all things income investing in emerging markets. Discussing his recent trip to South America, biggest learnings and optimism in this investment landscape.

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Emerging Markets Income Equity Fund

We follow the cashflow to identify healthy and profitable businesses, aiming to deliver a premium and growing income stream across various market environments.

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Climate Transition Bond Fund

Through this innovative solution, we pursue the best opportunities for delivering compelling returns and income while delivering on our climate objectives.

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Emerging Markets Corporate Bond Fund

Leveraging over 28 years of experience, we invest in high-quality emerging market bonds to deliver income and growth to our clients.

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Select Euro High Yield Bond Fund

Seeks both income and capital growth, through a portfolio of carefully selected high-yielding corporate bonds.

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