Impact in focus: through the lens of public markets
We discuss impact investing through the lens of public markets.
For professional investors managing investments on behalf of someone else.
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Host: Fionna Ross, Senior Sustainability Specialist
Guests: Samuel Grantham, Investment Director; Thomas Leys, Investment Director
We built our climate transition investment team four years ago. Fionna Ross invites Samuel Grantham and Thomas Leys, Investment Directors in the Aberdeen Investments Fixed Income team, to share their learnings and to discuss what lies ahead.
“... little acts of kindness that people do that aren't required of them, but they just make everybody else's life more joyful - I find that really inspiring.”
Ann Meoni
Senior Sustainability Analyst, Aberdeen
Quoting 20th Century social scientist, Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.”
Dr Lesley Dickie
Chief Executive Officer, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
“It’s been my work that’s inspired me… I’ve always been intrigued by the companies that are relentlessly, just trying to make things more effective and more efficient.”
Tony Hood
Investment Director, Aberdeen
Let’s use the power of investment to help drive positive change
Explore our approach to sustainable investing solutions
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