Log in
The type of account you have determines where and how you log in. Please choose the right option below.
Financial planning and advice
View my investments
Login to the Wrap platform to view your investments and access your document library.
Personal Finance Portal
Send secure messages to your Aberdeen financial planning adviser and view your valuations.
Individual investing
Stocks and Shares ISA online servicing
Log in to view and manage your Aberdeen ISA account.
Wrap and Fundzone accounts
If your account number starts with a WP and was set up with the help of an adviser, then you have a Wrap account and can log in here. You can also log in here if you have a Fundzone account, where your account number starts with SP.
Aberdeen UK funds, OEICs and unit trusts
As an Aberdeen Fund Managers Limited customer, your investments may have previously been with Aberdeen Standard Investments. You can access the online servicing portal ‘MyAccount’ and other information here.
Elevate account
If your account number starts with 'EL'. Products in this type of account will typically have been recommended by a financial adviser.
Self Investor accounts
Self Investor account numbers start with 'SM'. You can get all the information you need to manage your investments through your Self Investor Stocks and Shares ISA or Trading Account here.
Former RBS customers
If your account was originally set up with the help of an RBS adviser, you can access your account using one of the links below: