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Global Macro Research
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Over ons
Uw klanten helpen hun beleggingsdoelen te bereiken.
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Neem contact op met een van onze toegewijde teams.
A look at how election results will have major implications for the emerging market outlook, affecting both the future economic backdrop and geopolitical landscape.
The team discusses India’s demographic tailwinds, its infrastructure needs, whether it can be a ‘friendshoring’ winner, and what a third Modi term could have in store.
Paul Diggle speaks to Bob Gilhooly, senior EM economist, and Michael Langham, EM analyst, about the economic outlook across the emerging markets.
Dissatisfaction with the USD may be on the rise in some parts of the world, but an alternative looks unlikely to emerge any time soon.
Podcast with Chris Miller author of Chip Wars on the fight for the world’s most critical technology semiconductors.