
Duurzaam beleggen

Beleg vandaag, verander morgen.

€22.6 miljard

AUM voor SFDR* artikel 8/9 fondsen vanaf December 2023

60 fondsen*

voldoen per december 2023 aan SFDR artikel 8/9 (niet beschikbaar in alle rechtsgebieden)

Sustainable investing


is onze doelstelling voor operationele netto-nul

Important information.

*Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Introduced by the European Commission (EC) and effective in March 2021, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is a disclosure regulation which requires fund managers like abrdn to provide sustainability-related information about the funds they offer. The goal is to ensure investors have the information they need to make investment decisions in line with their sustainability goals and preferences.

Uitgelicht thema

Sustainability Inspires Podcast

Duurzame beleggingsoplossingen

Uw beleggingen vandaag hebben impact op morgen

Ontdek meer

Meer informatie over duurzaam beleggen bij abrdn