Our products and services are for everyone. Whether you have accessibility needs or want some extra help, we are here to support you.
There are several ways we can make it easier for you to communicate with us and ways that you can adapt your device / web browser to make our websites and digital services easier to use.
Support for users who are blind or have low vision
I need large print, braille or audio formats of your document
We offer a choice of formats for key documents and letters. These include large print, braille and audio formats. To make a request, please email helpinghand@abrdn.com.
I need advice on making my web browser more accessible
Our website works best in Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari and Mozilla Firefox. Where possible, we recommend you use the latest version of a browser.
If you’re finding our website difficult to read, increasing the text size or magnification of your screen, or using text-to-speech technology could help.
- Increase text size or magnify your screen
To increase the text size or magnify your screen, go to the ‘Settings’ menu on your internet browser.
Depending on which browser you use (e.g. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome), you’ll find the option to increase the text size on the ‘Appearance’ section of the Settings page. You can also find the ‘Zoom’ function on the ‘Appearance’ section or in the main internet browser settings menu and this allows you to magnify your screen.
Most browsers will also have a text-to-speech function within their ‘Settings’ menu that will read out the text on the screen as well image descriptions.
You can find out more about the accessibility controls and features for the most common browsers below:
Support for users who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired
I have difficulty hearing or speaking over the telephone
You can contact us using Relay UK (provided by BT).
To use this service, you’ll need to download the Relay app (link opens in a new tab) to your computer, laptop, tablet or android smartphone. You’ll find more information and full instructions on the Relay UK website (link opens in new tab).
When you use this service, you’ll be connected to a Relay Assistant who will join the call. They will interpret by reading out the text you’ve typed into your phone or other device.
Please be assured that the Relay Assistants are bound by confidentiality and any details you share with them, such as identification details or financial information, are secure and protected.
I need to talk to you using sign language
We accept calls where customers use a Sign Language Interpreter (SLI) to speak on their behalf.
We ask for the SLI's name or badge number to check they are registered via the NRCPD website (link opens in a new tab) (link opens in new tab). Once verified, we can continue the conversation and take your instructions via the interpreter.
More support on making the web work for you
AbilityNet (link opens in new tab) is a UK charity with a global perspective that provide online resources to help individuals with any disability, of any age, to use all kinds of digital technology.
They provide advice on making your device easier to use if you have an impairment or disability and have created some simple 'how to' guides (link opens in a new tab).