• A multi-generational challenge

    Family offices benefit from a truly long-term investment horizon and greater flexibility in the way they invest. In seeking to maximise these advantages, they generally favour larger allocations to illiquid assets and more niche areas of public markets to capture risk premia which they are uniquely well-placed to access. A flexible mandate means family offices can be truly selective in pursuing opportunities which meet their desired risk profile, investment objectives and sustainability requirements.

  • Our value proposition

    We act as an investment manager for family offices around the world, and in the UK this includes a mix of multi- and single- family office clients. We understand that each family office is unique in terms of requirements and risk appetite, and we believe that our breadth of investment capabilities – in public markets as well as alternatives and real assets – make us a compelling partner for family office investors looking to broaden their opportunity set.

  • Proven focus on sustainability

    We believe it is possible for family office clients to meet their investment sustainability objectives without sacrificing a diversified and attractive opportunity set. Through active engagement and stewardship we have built a strong track record of delivering more sustainable outcomes across asset classes. Our product range is able to cater to a broad range of sustainability requirements, from ESG integration to impact investing.

Our principles – how we invest sustainably

  • Pictogram

    Embed ESG factors

    As active investors we aim to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into every stage of research, investment rating and selection, and portfolio construction.

  • Pictogram

    Focus on client outcomes

    We make it clear to our clients how we use our focus on sustainability to manage risk, optimise opportunity and act in their long-term interests.

  • Investments

    Be active stewards

    We actively engage with companies and assets in which we invest to get better insight and encourage action that we believe will create long-term value, including in relation to ESG practice. We also vote at AGMs to drive change.

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    Leverage our influence

    We work closely with governments, regulators and industry bodies across the world to advance policy, including those relating to social and environmental standards.

Key contact

Dan Chapman

Associate Director - UK Institutional

If you would like a member of the team to get in touch with you to discuss our capabilities in more detail please complete the short form below.

Risk warning
Risk warning - Investment involves risk. The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and an investor may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future results.