abrdn Investments Ireland Limited,
Filial Denmark
Strandvejen 171, 3
2900 Hellerup

abrdn Investments Ireland Limited, Filial Denmark has internal complaint handling procedures to ensure that a complaint is properly processed.

If you wish to complain you have the opportunity to contact our complaints officer: Orla Collins -Complaints Representative.

Address: abrdn Investments Ireland Limited, 2nd Floor, 2-4 Merrion Row, Dublin 2, Ireland.
T:+353 1 5230913
E- mail: Orla.Collins@abrdn.com

You will receive a confirmation of receipt of your complaint.
You will possibly be contacted for further information regarding the processing of your complaint.
You will receive a written opinion on your complaint.

Other complaint options

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may submit a complaint to the Danish Complaint Board of Banking Services (Pengeinstitutankenævnet), Amaliegade 8 B, 2., Postboks 9029, DK-1022 København K, pengeinstitutankenaevnet.dk

You may also complain about a product or service bought from us to the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority’s Centre for Complaint Resolution (Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens Center for Klageløsning), Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, DK-2500 Valby. Send the complaint to the Centre for Complaint Resolution at forbrug.dk (only in Danish).

The EU Commission's online dispute resolution portal can also be used to submit a complaint. This is particularly relevant if you are an EU consumer residing in another EU member state. A complaint is submitted at ec.europa.eu/odr.


Henrik Kruse

Head of Business Development Nordics & Office Head

Alexander Pahlow Mose

Associate Director, Business Development

Fleur Cornelissen

Senior Marketing Manager – The Netherlands, Nordics, Ireland & MEA