Our ESG approach to equity investing

We believe that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are financially material and can impact a company’s performance – either positively or negatively. Understanding ESG risks and opportunities, alongside other financial metrics, is therefore an intrinsic part of our research process.

We believe companies that take a wider view of their responsibilities, including all stakeholders – such as employees, customers and suppliers – are more likely to succeed.

We actively engage with the companies in which we invest, sharing insights and encouraging best practice where possible. We combine information from these meetings with the insights of our investment managers, ESG equity analysts and central Sustainability Group. In doing so, we think we can build a richer, more holistic view of each company. It also means we can consistently evaluate one company against another.

This approach is all part of our responsible stewardship of our clients’ assets – helping us mitigate risks, unlock opportunities and enhance long-term returns.

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