Enabling our clients to be better investors

It’s our duty to be active, engaged owners. Seeking to improve the financial resilience and performance of investments, thus enhancing and preserving the value of our clients’ investments.

We believe companies adopting improving practices in corporate governance and risk management will be more successful and deliver enhanced returns to shareholders.

Focus on

Governance and active ownership


It starts with us

It’s vital that we have integrity and transparency in how we operate, building trust in both our business and sector. As an investor, this is what we expect of investee companies and it is our focus operationally.

Corporate Governancearrow_forward
Governance and Active Ownership

Active Ownership: Aims and commitments

To meet the needs of our clients and key stakeholders, and create benefits for the economy, society and environment, we focus on these core areas:

Our Sustainable Investing principles. We put Active Ownership and ESG considerations at the heart of:

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our investment process -

we integrate and appraise ESG factors in our investment process, with the aim of generating the best long-term outcomes for our clients

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our client journey -

we clearly define how we act in our clients' interests in delivering our stewardship and ESG principles and transparently report on our actions to meet those interests

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our investment activity -

we actively take steps as stewards to deliver long-term, sustainable value consistent with our clients' objectives

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our corporate influence -

we actively advance policy, regulation and industry standards to deliver a better future for our clients, the environment and society

The nature and importance of responsible investment in private equity

Quarterly engagement

Our quarterly ESG reports provide a summary of our company engagement and voting activities. The reports' objectives are to inform, disclose and create discussion.

Read the latest quarterly report


Voting and engagement

Our quarterly report provides a summary of our company engagement and voting activities. Read the quarterly report here.

Voting is an important aspect in the stewardship of our clients’ capital. When we engage with companies, we expect them to meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Our voting for or against management decisions is guided by this approach.

Read the Stewardship Report

abrdn awarded A+ or A rating across all categories.