Key benefits

  • Research

    Over four decades, abrdn has built deep relationships with industry and policymakers across emerging markets (EM). Today, over 100 EM professionals* networked across the globe conduct extensive analysis, including over 700 meetings** a year, to get the most complete insight into companies, countries and trends. We use technology to bring our global team together and improve our real-time insights. This enables us to keep pace with change and discover compelling opportunities at the corporate and country level.

    *Both equity and debt, as at 17.01.2022
    **as at 17.01.2022

  • Purpose

    We analyse ESG risks and opportunities in every company and sovereign we cover. On-desk regional ESG specialists, supported by abrdn’s central ESG team, provide insight on ESG themes and sectors within local markets. Through constructive engagement with companies and policymakers, all our EM professionals look to drive positive change. We believe this helps us deliver EM solutions that target long-term sustainable outcomes for investors.

  • Connectivity

    We have considerable on-the-ground expertise across EM. This includes a team of Mandarin-speaking investment professionals dedicated to China – giving us unique insights into this vital market. Importantly, we have a long track-record of investing in fast-growing Frontier Markets, at both the corporate and sovereign level. All these factors combined mean we can put our clients at the heart of some of the most compelling opportunities emerging markets offer.

In Focus

  • City and Forest

    We offer a full range of equity strategies that span the risk/return spectrum. Our portfolios share a common goal: to add value through active management.
    Emerging Market Equities

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