At abrdn, our sole focus is on managing investments. We only sell our funds to the public via third party distributors.

You can find out who Our distributors are here .

(Note that not all distributors carry our entire Fund range.)

Payment may be made in cash (SGD and USD where applicable); via CPF-OA (for qualifying funds); or via Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS).

You should consider carefully before choosing an investment.

Am I financially ready to invest?

For some, investing comes naturally, for others, more time is required to understand your needs, investment goals and risk appetite. There are investments suited to nearly every need.

Do I have an existing relationship with a distributor who knows about investments?

If you already have a relationship with a preferred distributor, you may choose to approach them. If you don’t and would like to start one, you may want to shop around.

What kind of convenience would I like and service levels do I require?

Banks, Platforms, Independent Financial Advisory (IFA) firms offer different propositions.

All the distributors we work with are regulated under the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

What are the costs of investing?

Distributors will typically levy an initial sales charge, depending on factors such as the size of your investment and the level of advice you require. Charges at the product level are set out in the Fund Prospectus.

Do you accept foreign investors?

This is largely dependent on the distributors you are investing with. However, for legal reasons we do not accept investment from United States citizens (more information can be found here under abrdn Select Portfolio: Important Information).

More information on FATCA can be found here.