To capitalise on Asia's progress, you need an expert

We anchor our investment approach and processes in fundamental research, team debate and rigorous security selection, unlocking insights designed to drive positive client outcomes.

We focus on three core investment principles: high quality business models, sustainable revenue drivers and attractive market valuation. Our aim is to create value for clients over the long term.

Our investment capabilities span public and private assets across these major asset classes:




Integrated funds

We put quality first. We invest in firms that are financially strong and well run. We do all our own research to gain an informative edge.


We invest for the long term, leading to low portfolio turnover. The focus on quality means our holdings have stronger financial metrics than peers, on average.

The abrdn Asian Equities team

abrdn is a pioneer in Asia Pacific markets - We have a large, dedicated and highly experienced investment team consisting of over 40 equity investment professionals with a strong team culture. The team has been investing across the region since 1985, and is responsible for managing all Asian products, including regional, country, smaller companies, and sustainable investing propositions. 

The team has a strong regional footprint, and is based in Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai, allowing us to be close to the companies we own and markets we invest in. 

Flavia Cheong, Head of Asia Pacific Equities, leads the team from Singapore. The team manages USD 30.2 billion across all Asian Equity strategies, including USD 13.2 billion in Asia Pacific excluding Japan Equities as of 31 December 2022.

Learn more about our Equities capability
Read Our Equities On The Road Stories


Fixed Income


Integrated funds

We focus on bottom-up research and security selection. We measure and manage risk at every stage and test our thinking via peer review.


We pool insights locally and globally across markets, sectors and issuers for differentiated coverage and idea generation.

Asian fixed income team

An investment pioneer in the Asia-Pacific markets, abrdn has a large, dedicated and experienced fixed income team comprising more than 20 investment professionals with a strong team culture. The team has been investing across the region since the mid-1990s and manages a wide range of Asian fixed income strategies spanning local currency, credit, single country, diversified income, outcome-orientated (such as fixed maturity products and optimised portfolios for liability aware mandates) and sustainable propositions.

The team is based across Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong and Shanghai in the belief that there’s no substitute for a presence on the ground to maintain strong relationships with bond issuers.

Adam McCabe leads the team from Singapore as Head of Fixed Income Asia Pacific. The team manages US$ 3.3 billion across dedicated Asian fixed income strategies and advises on an additional US$ 8.3 billion of Asian fixed income investments across our global fixed income platform as of 31 March 2023.

Learn more about our Fixed Income capability
Multi asset



Integrated funds

An unconstrained approach allows us to invest across asset classes. We can access opportunities and proprietary tools to meet clients' needs.


We can access integrated multi-asset solutions for clients wanting both public and private markets investments.

Asian Multi-Asset team

We have a team of 12 asset-allocation experts based in Asia Pacific, backed by a global multi-asset franchise more than 100-strong. We offer benchmark-aware, unconstrained global asset-allocation solutions customised to clients’ needs. Our team’s research encompasses strategic allocations, tactical asset allocation and absolute-return ideas with the aim of delivering smoother returns across market cycles.

Learn more about our Multi-asset capability
Watch our Multi-Asset story



Integrated funds

We look to identify best-in-class alternative opportunities and provide solutions with the goal of delivering targeted outcome-orientated strategies across our alternative capabilities.


We focus on innovation backed by data analysis, research and risk modelling. In real estate we interpret thematic disruptors and their impact. In hedge funds we provide bottom-up manager selection in addition to a risk mitigation strategy and passive hedge fund platform.

Asian Alternatives team

Our alternatives teams sit in locations across our global business. We offer client-led real-estate strategies built to deliver specific outcomes. We also offer commingled alternative vehicles, customised hedge fund portfolios and provide research, fee negotiations, co-investments and structuring advice.

Read our Alternatives story
  • abrdn



    Integrated funds

    We put quality first. We invest in firms that are financially strong and well run. We do all our own research to gain an informative edge.


    We invest for the long term, leading to low portfolio turnover. The focus on quality means our holdings have stronger financial metrics than peers, on average.

    The abrdn Asian Equities team

    abrdn is a pioneer in Asia Pacific markets - We have a large, dedicated and highly experienced investment team consisting of over 40 equity investment professionals with a strong team culture. The team has been investing across the region since 1985, and is responsible for managing all Asian products, including regional, country, smaller companies, and sustainable investing propositions. 

    The team has a strong regional footprint, and is based in Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai, allowing us to be close to the companies we own and markets we invest in. 

    Flavia Cheong, Head of Asia Pacific Equities, leads the team from Singapore. The team manages USD 30.2 billion across all Asian Equity strategies, including USD 13.2 billion in Asia Pacific excluding Japan Equities as of 31 December 2022.

    Learn more about our Equities capability
    Read Our Equities On The Road Stories

  • abrdn

    Fixed Income


    Integrated funds

    We focus on bottom-up research and security selection. We measure and manage risk at every stage and test our thinking via peer review.


    We pool insights locally and globally across markets, sectors and issuers for differentiated coverage and idea generation.

    Asian fixed income team

    An investment pioneer in the Asia-Pacific markets, abrdn has a large, dedicated and experienced fixed income team comprising more than 20 investment professionals with a strong team culture. The team has been investing across the region since the mid-1990s and manages a wide range of Asian fixed income strategies spanning local currency, credit, single country, diversified income, outcome-orientated (such as fixed maturity products and optimised portfolios for liability aware mandates) and sustainable propositions.

    The team is based across Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong and Shanghai in the belief that there’s no substitute for a presence on the ground to maintain strong relationships with bond issuers.

    Adam McCabe leads the team from Singapore as Head of Fixed Income Asia Pacific. The team manages US$ 3.3 billion across dedicated Asian fixed income strategies and advises on an additional US$ 8.3 billion of Asian fixed income investments across our global fixed income platform as of 31 March 2023.

    Learn more about our Fixed Income capability
  • Multi asset



    Integrated funds

    An unconstrained approach allows us to invest across asset classes. We can access opportunities and proprietary tools to meet clients' needs.


    We can access integrated multi-asset solutions for clients wanting both public and private markets investments.

    Asian Multi-Asset team

    We have a team of 12 asset-allocation experts based in Asia Pacific, backed by a global multi-asset franchise more than 100-strong. We offer benchmark-aware, unconstrained global asset-allocation solutions customised to clients’ needs. Our team’s research encompasses strategic allocations, tactical asset allocation and absolute-return ideas with the aim of delivering smoother returns across market cycles.

    Learn more about our Multi-asset capability
  • abrdn



    Integrated funds

    We look to identify best-in-class alternative opportunities and provide solutions with the goal of delivering targeted outcome-orientated strategies across our alternative capabilities.


    We focus on innovation backed by data analysis, research and risk modelling. In real estate we interpret thematic disruptors and their impact. In hedge funds we provide bottom-up manager selection in addition to a risk mitigation strategy and passive hedge fund platform.

    Asian Alternatives team

    Our alternatives teams sit in locations across our global business. We offer client-led real-estate strategies built to deliver specific outcomes. We also offer commingled alternative vehicles, customised hedge fund portfolios and provide research, fee negotiations, co-investments and structuring advice.


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*Finimize is a separate entity independent from abrdn’s Investments business entities and subsidiaries (some of which are US registered investment advisers). Investors should note that the information produced by Finimize is provided on a general basis for information purposes only and should not be relied on as investment advice, investment recommendation or a specific judgement relating to specific investments, as it does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific investor. Investors should seek relevant professional advice before making any investment decision.