It starts with us…

We are facing many global issues, from inequality and poverty to an ageing population. We want to raise awareness and drive positive change to support fair and inclusive work, equality of opportunity and connect with those isolated from society.

In a world that’s changing quickly, it’s important we create the conditions that enable our business to have a real-world impact. That’s what we’re going to do. We will go further for our clients. We will be a better and more inclusive employer. We will play our part in building a world that is more sustainable, just, inclusive and diverse.

Read our Social Report

Focus on

How Social factors impact our operations as a business as well as our investment decisions

Human rights

Human Rights

Our central ESG Investment function analyse global and thematic social risks and opportunities and working with asset class ESG experts, this research and insight is integrated into investment decision making. The social factors we consider are diverse and include labour and human rights issues such as diversity and inclusion, social welfare, modern slavery, indigenous rights and more.

Human Rights: Our approach for investments

We engage companies on human rights issues and use our expertise to support cross-industry anti-modern slavery collaborations. Organisations failing to uphold the human rights of their stakeholders risk negatively impacting communities, regulatory penalties, operating challenges, and reduced revenue and trust.

a woman's place

A Womans Place

‘A Woman’s Place’, is a research series from the abrdn Research Institute. Focusing on the often overlooked ‘S’ of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), the authors set out to find what drives differences in female participation in the workforce and highlight why D&I policy really matters for investors.

Read more about our approach to Diversity and inclusion.arrow_forward
Start with us

It starts with us

Diversity and Inclusion

At abrdn we know that making progress in diversity and inclusion is critical for the long term sustainability of companies and economic growth. We are committed to pushing forward progress in our operations and to promoting Diversity & Inclusion through our investment activities.

Read more about Bringing diversity and inclusion to life.

Human Rights

Our human rights policy summarises our approach to identifying and upholding the human rights of our people, clients and customers, community and those impacted by our suppliers, partners and the companies we invest in.

Our modern slavery statement outlines our approach to tackling human trafficking, forced labour, bonded labour and child slavery.

man walking on sand

Social investing

To make ethical investment processes and decisions we consider a range of social criteria such as the Environment and biodiveristy, Communities and Human rights,Employment and labour , Business Ethics.

Ethical Funds: Our ethical equity and bond strategies seek to generate attractive returns and, in addition to a range of environmental and social criteria, exclude companies involved in significant human rights controversies.

Learn about Ethical Investing and our Ethical Fundsarrow_forward
  • Human rights

    Human Rights

    Our central ESG Investment function analyse global and thematic social risks and opportunities and working with asset class ESG experts, this research and insight is integrated into investment decision making. The social factors we consider are diverse and include labour and human rights issues such as diversity and inclusion, social welfare, modern slavery, indigenous rights and more.

    Human Rights: Our approach for investments

    We engage companies on human rights issues and use our expertise to support cross-industry anti-modern slavery collaborations. Organisations failing to uphold the human rights of their stakeholders risk negatively impacting communities, regulatory penalties, operating challenges, and reduced revenue and trust.

  • a woman's place

    A Womans Place

    ‘A Woman’s Place’, is a research series from the abrdn Research Institute. Focusing on the often overlooked ‘S’ of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), the authors set out to find what drives differences in female participation in the workforce and highlight why D&I policy really matters for investors.

  • Start with us

    It starts with us

    Diversity and Inclusion

    At abrdn we know that making progress in diversity and inclusion is critical for the long term sustainability of companies and economic growth. We are committed to pushing forward progress in our operations and to promoting Diversity & Inclusion through our investment activities.

    Read more about Bringing diversity and inclusion to life.

    Human Rights

    Our human rights policy summarises our approach to identifying and upholding the human rights of our people, clients and customers, community and those impacted by our suppliers, partners and the companies we invest in.

    Our modern slavery statement outlines our approach to tackling human trafficking, forced labour, bonded labour and child slavery.

  • man walking on sand

    Social investing

    To make ethical investment processes and decisions we consider a range of social criteria such as the Environment and biodiveristy, Communities and Human rights,Employment and labour , Business Ethics.

    Ethical Funds: Our ethical equity and bond strategies seek to generate attractive returns and, in addition to a range of environmental and social criteria, exclude companies involved in significant human rights controversies.

Social Factor videos