Elevate contact us
Find contact details for our Elevate platform.
Phone and email addresses
We may monitor and/or record calls to protect you and us, and help with our training. Call charges will vary. There is no guarantee that any email you send will be received or will not have been tampered with. You should not send personal details by email.
You can check our Service Status page for details on current service.
For all Elevate queries, call us on:
Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00
For non-urgent servicing enquiries, such as removing / updating adviser access and change queries, you can email:
Submitting Elevate documents
Name of document(s) uploaded
Client EL account number
- Date and time of upload to the document library
Please note, max file size is 4MB and file name must be lower case and without symbols.
South - lse_elevate@aberdeenplc.com
North - elevate_north@aberdeenplc.com
Not sure? - elevate_enquiries@aberdeenplc.com
All Elevate online help
You can find answers to a wide range of popular Elevate questions in our help and support section.
Our postal address
Aberdeen Elevate, Po Box 6877, Basingstoke, RG24 4RT
Not with Elevate yet?
You can sign up to Elevate online or contact our team to discuss your needs.
Find out about accessibility tools and further support for you and your clients, from communications in additional formats to usability of our websites and platforms.
We pride ourselves on our service but recognise that sometimes things can go wrong. If we fall short of your expectations, please tell us so that we can try and resolve the situation.