Why the abrdn pensions master trust?

We believe the abrdn pensions master trust is the first defined benefit pensions master trust to be launched by an asset manager in conjunction with an independent pensions consultancy.

This collaboration can bring better outcomes for both members and employers.

Learn more

DB master trusts – are they the solution for you?

A DB master trust is a multi employer defined benefit pension scheme for non-associated employers.

It is a pension scheme model that enables schemes to pool together to benefit from economies of scale, whilst ring-fencing their assets and liabilities to avoid cross-subsidies with other schemes.

Hear our thoughts on the key drivers for the anticipated growth of DB master trusts. How can they give comfort to pass on the future running of your DB pension scheme and deliver cost and risk savings for the business?

Our partnership approach

"As abrdn continues to focus on delivering solutions for clients, I am delighted that we have launched a UK defined benefit master trust in conjunction with XPS Pensions Group. The abrdn pensions master trust has been designed with XPS Pensions Group to harness the relevant expertise of both firms and offer a solution that provides a professional governance model, high-quality pensions consultancy and administration services, material expense savings through economies of scale and access to a broad range of abrdn’s relevant investment strategies."

Stephen Bird, CEO abrdn plc

“We are delighted to partner with abrdn in the development of an exciting new defined benefit master trust. This new solution should really help bring governance and efficiency improvements to the benefit of thousands of pension scheme members. We have worked hard with abrdn to develop integrated funding and investment solutions that pass on the combined benefit of their investment management expertise and our investment, actuarial and administration expertise. This master trust truly brings the benefits of a £1billion plus pension scheme to much smaller schemes and gives peace of mind to corporate sponsors allowing them to dedicate more time to running their business.”

Paul Cuff, Co-CEO, XPS Pensions Group

Boxes of colourful spraypaints

Our latest research

With DB consolidation taking off and gaining momentum in the UK pensions industry, we drill down into the differences between the way in which large and small DB schemes are run and in turn identify the key themes in relation to DB consolidation.

Challenges facing DB schemesarrow_forward

DB consolidation: which options are schemes considering? arrow_forward

Our latest insightsarrow_forward

Contact us

If you would like to discuss the circumstances of your pension scheme and how the abrdn pensions master trust can play a part in meeting your objectives, please contact us directly at DBmastertrust@abrdn.com or by calling Toby on +44 7515 083 465.

Brian Denyer

Brian Denyer

Senior Solutions Director - Pensions
Toby Rockingham

Toby Rockingham

Director - UK Institutional
Leigh Sanderson

Leigh Sanderson

Solutions Manager - Pensions