International Bond segments and withdrawals calculator
Use this calculator to help select possible segment numbers and withdrawal amounts for an International Bond where a regular withdrawal is required
It can be used for the International Bond Life Assurance Option, International Bond Capital Redemption Option and Wrap International Portfolio Bond where a regular withdrawal is required.
Please note this tool is provided by Phoenix Group and is hosted on their adviser website. The International Bond is offered by Standard Life International dac is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation in the UK by the Financial Regulation Authority.
How it works
Enter the investment amount, payment frequency and withdrawal per frequency required. The calculator will then give you three options, based on its limitations and assumptions:
- The maximum number of allowed segments
- The withdrawal value closest to but lower than the original input withdrawal
- The largest number of segments available for withdrawal closest to the initial input figure
The calculator will also provide you with the closest compatible Adviser Charge. This is based on the number of segments and relevant Adviser Charge required.
If you have any questions about the International Bond (offshore) or Wrap International Portfolio Bond (IPB) investment process, please contact your account manager.
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