Woman fishing with a net

Asia and Emerging Markets

Local insights, connected for you

The emerging market landscape is rich and varied, offering the potential for attractive growth, yields and increased diversification. But its vast scope and complexity also bring challenges. Fundamental research, experience and an active approach are needed to navigate well. With on-the-ground resources, deep experience and active ESG engagement, we’re well placed to see the wider emerging markets picture and seek the best opportunities for our investors.

Read about our Emerging market active equity and debt capabilities:

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Global research network
We have been investing in Emerging Markets for 30 years. Our team of 84 investment professionals across equity and debt, is based across offices in London, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and Sao Paulo. We use our local connections and unique perspective to capture the whole picture for our investors.

Funds in focus

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