Emerging Market Debt (EMD) is a compelling asset class, spanning a huge variety of countries, industries and companies. With uncertainty evident on many other financial markets, the strong yield prospects and effective diversification opportunities offered by EMD are powerful draws for investors.

But vast scope also brings specific challenges. Finding the best prospects for returns in such a big and complex universe requires skill, local knowledge and in-depth insight.

For a full understanding of abrdn's Emerging Market Debt (EMD) expertise and global reach, please click the link below:

Read our EMD story

Key Benefits

  • For Australian investors

    • A diversified source of income and return income.
    • Emerging markets yield advantage vs traditional AUD composite bonds.
    • Emerging market debt bonds are not more volatile than developed market (DM) bonds, in AUD terms, with a key reason being the high correlation between the AUD and EM FX.
    • Emerging market debt is an investment grade asset class - the index is rated BBB.
  • Purpose

    We analyse ESG risks and opportunities in every company and sovereign we cover. On-desk regional ESG specialists, supported by abrdn’s central ESG team, provide insight on ESG themes and sectors within local markets. Through constructive engagement with companies and policymakers, all our EM professionals look to drive positive change. We believe this helps us deliver EM solutions that target long-term positive outcomes for investors.

  • Connectivity

    We have considerable on-the-ground expertise across EM. This includes a team of Mandarin-speaking investment professionals dedicated to China – giving us unique insights into this vital market. Importantly, we have a long track-record of investing in fast-growing Frontier Markets, at both the corporate and sovereign level. All these factors combined mean we can put our clients at the heart of some of the most compelling opportunities emerging markets offer.

Funds in Focus

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