abrdn Equity Income Trust: Manager update video
Watch the latest manager update video from Thomas Moore as he provides an overview of the trust and an update on recent performance.
Join the abrdn Equity Income Trust plc online presentation on Tuesday 28th January 2025 at 11.30am. The event will take the form of a short introduction from the Chair, Sarika Patel, followed by a more detailed presentation from the Portfolio Manager, Thomas Moore. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
Watch the latest quarterly update video with abrdn Equity Income Trust manager Thomas Moore for an update on recent performance, key portfolio changes and future themes for the trust.
The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount invested.
*This is third-party research. You will leave abrdn Equity Income Trust website and enter Kepler’s to view.